by Nina

We have trading indicators & data visualization
tools to help you trade smarter

The Material Indicators suite of algorithmic trading indicators and tools is already proving that our model of science-based research and validation protocols to conceive, develop, test and validate trading tools for traders works across multiple asset classes.

trading indicator "Firecharts"

Fire Charts

Fire Charts are thermal maps that give you a visual representation of resistance, support, and liquidity in the LIVE order book. Bundled with our CVD indicator to alert you when others are making their moves.

MTF Mean Reversion Screener

Designed to identify buy zones, MTF is a mean reversion indicator that may be used as a screener or assigned to automated trading bots.

Trend Precognition Indicators

Our Trend Precognition bundle includes a set of on and off chart predictive indicators which may be optimized relative to any time frames you choose.